Tuesday, December 7, 2010

...and nothings gonna hold me back!

Do you ever have days where you just want to run to the top of a mountain, jump off and say "Jesus catch me!" Flying is something I always wanted to be able to do! :P

Sunday night I went to Keepers of the Flame International Church for their Thrive service! AMMMAAZZZIIINNG! I was looking forward to it all week! To put it bluntly..last week was a bunch of crap. I was so discouraged and worn down, which....when I think back -duah! The devil loves to wear me down and get me discouraged, because then I don't have a worship mindset. And when I'm not in a worship mindset...I'm not a happy person! I gotta work on fighting that. 

I will overcome, by the blood of the Lamb!

Anyway, so I went to church. I love worship there! I knew I needed to have a clear head to enter into worship, so I just kept praying: God clear my mind. Tonight it's all for you. I will NOT focus on those around me, I will NOT worry about anything in my life. I'm alive to worship you.
I think that's a major key to worship. Entering into your time of worship with all the cares of your life behind you. Then you can jump right into the throne room of God and worship your heart out! :) I've been thinking about that alot this week. How often do we LOOK FORWARD to going to church to worship? Like really? Do you come to church on Sunday ready to worship? Are all the things going wrong in your life left at the cross? I had so much going on in my mind last week, lots of stresses and just the things of life. I didn't really care about anything. I just wanted to go to sleep and wake up when the world was right. Then God reminded me of good 'ol Mr. Job in the Bible. Dude that guy lost EVERYTHING and he didn't stop praising God! Could I do that? Would you do that? 
What is our purpose in life? To bring honor and glory to God in everything we do, right? The one thing we can give back to God is our worship! That's why worship is my passion! God has blessed us with so much, he has blessed me with so much and all I really want to do is give it all back to him. I want to become a sweet fragrance in the throne room of God. I want my life to be a life of worship. 
So when we feel like our lives are falling apart and we're going through our "Job" times. That's when we need to worship most! When we DON'T feel like it. When it's the farthest thing from our minds. We shouldn't be complaining and worrying about how we're gonna make it, we should walk(or crawl) boldly in and saying "God, I don't know what's going on. I don't feel you here with me, BUT I'm not going to stop praising you!"

That's my challenge this week. Keep a mindset of worship, even when I don't feel like it.

Take me past the outer courts, into the Holy place
   Past the brazen alter
   Lord, I want to see your face
  Pass me by the crowds of people
  The priests who sing your praise
  I hunger and thirst for your righteousness
  But it's only found one place

 Take me into the holy of holies,
 Take be in by the blood of the Lamb
 Take me into the Holy of holies
 Take the coal, touch my lips, here I am♫

1 comment:

  1. <3 nice! Guess what it's ironic that you titled this Nothing's gonna hold me back, because I attempted to put that as my ringtone last night because I was thinking about how it was such an awesome song, and really where I'm at right now. Oh and another thing that ya gotta love, we were going to Take me In on Sunday and Sunday night but didn't get to it! haha :) But anyways, God is so good and he is so wonderful to us, his children. I can't wait to see where we go with him in this upcoming year!! :D Ah I love him <3
