Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Here I sit, silent, thoughtful. Wondering what to do, where to go? Wondering why things haven’t turned out anywhere close to what I thought and the way I dreamed them.

As I sit in this sanctuary, I hear a voice: “What is troubling you my child?” It is my Father coming to join me. “Oh nothing, Father.” I replied, “I was just thinking.”

“Thinking about what?”

“Thinking about life and how things change. About where I am and where I was and where I want to be…Wondering why everything turned out to be so different than I thought it was going to be. Wondering why the things I had planned for my life never turned out?”

“Wow, you think a lot little one.” My father replied. “But don’t you know by now that My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways?”

“But Father!” I cried, “Why don’t you show me these things? Why make me go through the heartache, the emptiness, the brokenness? Won’t you show me my purpose?”

He chuckled and replied, “Child, wait. Slow down. Learn to rest in me. Learn to walk by my side – in my shadow. Don’t try to take on the world by yourself. Just be available to do the tasks I place before you. You perceive them as small and meaningless, but do them with me and they will turn into things bigger than you imagined. That, my child, is your purpose.”

I got up to leave, still uncertain of my path. With my hand in my Father’s, and my face turned to his. I know I’ll be OK, because He is with me everyday.