Pretty much anytime I hear someone talking about the vastness of the universe or the complexities of the human body, my mind is drawn back to the Louie Gigleo DVD series "How Great is Our God" (which I highly recommend watching!).
The sermon yesterday...if you call it a sermon...I felt like I was in science class...was one such experience. A guy from the church did a 2 week series on Creation, while the regular pastor took a break. Yesterdays title: "A Walk Through Creation".
As you probably figured out by now, his text was...of all things Genesis 1:1-2:3. With each day of creation he gave some awesome scientific facts that left me in a shocked awe of the creativity and intelligence of our God!
Day one- God said let there be light. Light is one of the most essential things on this earth.
Day two- atmosphere.
-Water is the only natural substance that is found in all three phases of the earths surface - liquid, gas, solid.
- The satellites and space station are still in the outermost layer our atmosphere...
Day three- dry land/earth/soil.
-In 1tsp of soil there are::40miles of fungal hypae, 100 to 100,000 protozoa, 5million to 500million bacteria in Ag soil, 20million to 2billion bacteria in forest soil.
-372,775 species of plants, CURRENTLY.
-The earth is 25,000 miles around the equator.
Day four- Sun, Moon and Stars
-the earth is average 240,00 miles from the moon
-92,935,700miles from the sun.
-The sun is one million times the size of the earth.
...If the earth was the size of a golf ball...
-the sun would be 15feet in diameter.
Now lets talk stars. You know those little blinking things we see in the sky. They're not so little.
Star #1:Betelgeuse. Twice the size of the earth's ORBIT around the sun. If the earth was the size of a golf ball-Betelegeuse would be the height of 6 Empire State Buildings stacked on top of each other! 262 TRILLION Earth's would fit inside this star.
Star #2:Mu Cephei. 3,000 light years away(btw a light year is 5.88trillion miles). If the earth was the size of a golf ball, Mu Cephei would be the width of two golden gate bridges from end to end. 2.7 quadrillion earths fit inside this star. To quickly put quadrillion into perspective: A quadrillion SECONDS ago is 30,800,000 years ago.
Star #3: Canus Majorus: If the earth was the size of a golf ball, Canus Majorus would be the height of Mt. Everest. 7 quadrillion earths fit inside this star. That's enough to cover the entire state of Texas 22inches deep in golf balls!
Day 5-fish and birds. 31,300 species of fish. CURRENTLY. 9,998 species of birds. CURRENTLY.
Day 6-animals and humans.
The Human Body: 100 Trillion cells, 206 bones, 600 muscles, 20 internal organs, LIFE-breathed into us by God himself.
He ended his lesson with the statement: "If God created all this in only 6 days, what can He do in our lives if we surrender to him?"
How many days to we go through without even stopping to thank God for creating all this beauty? That really caught me as I walked up the hill to my house from my car at 1:30am. I always look up at the stars when I walk up, but last night they seemed 10x more beautiful. Fall skies are my favorite. As I pictured it in my head while I was going to sleep, God struck me with an awe-inspiring thought. I saw Him running around painting the sky with sunsets and stars and flowers and the smells of nature with a huge smile on His face, then turning He comes over and says "Look! Look! Look at what I painted you!! Look at the stars, and the sunset and smell the flowers. I created these for you, just because I love you and I love to see the smile on your face when you look at my creations." He did all this, just because he could. Just because he loves us. Oh how he loves us. So take a moment to thank him for the beauty of His creation. :)
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