Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Goodbye summer 2010, Hello new adventures.

September 1. 2010.
Summer is over. Really? Already!? I think summer gets faster every single year. I'm telling ya!
2010 was a packed summer for me. I had 5 week of camp, dance 1 week, Creation Fest another and then there was weekend trips and spending time with friends and riding dirtbikes and swimming....phew...what a summer!
Yes, it was a fun summer, but fun isn't the first thing that comes to mind when I look back. Difficult is the first thing I see. This summer was different. I started the summer stressed with finishing up my video project and getting ready for camp, hoping and praying I was prepared for being a camp counseler for the entire summer, as well as keeping rested enough for the dance production. By the first week of camp, I was wiped out...and it was only the beginning! Camp was amazing this year! I got to see God use me and I'm still seeing the results of being open and available for Him to use. Two things stick out as I'm recalling summer camp 2010:
First, when we are weak and tired and completely worn out, if we just let God take over us and use us in our weakness-others will see His strength in us. Basically when we are weak, He is STRONG. Secondly the staff at camp this year really showed me how we as the body of Christ we need to constantly be building eachother up and encouraging eachother...even when it doesn't fit with our agenda for the day or we're just as tired as the person snoring next to us in staff devotions. I don't think I would have made it without them by my side. So just a quick piece of never know how much a smile or a hug or a short note of encouragement means to someone! 

This year was/is the first time I've made a point to do follow up with my campers. I've set a goal to write each one at least one letter through the year. I've also had the opportunity to see many of my campers and meet their families. Even the ones that live in Virginia! I never realized how much of an impact we can be, or how much campers look up to me. I was midnight bowling last Friday and there were 4 campers there with their youth group. They crowded around me and wouldn't stop telling me about their lives and school issues. They even wanted my advice on...get this...relationships! HAHA! Me..the girl who's never been in a relationship giving advice. God does have a sense of humor.  :)
 I guess what I'm seeing looking back is that God has given me gifts and He loves to use them. I don't have to be some well-schooled person or even someone famous. I just need to be available for God to use in everyday situations. We tend to get into the mindset that God will only use us if we're 'good enough' in educated, popular, etc...but in reality God uses anyone willing to be used. How many of Jesus' disciples were fishermen???? Yeah, get my point.  God doesn't care about your social status, where you grew up, who your parents are, God wants you! He wants to use you to do big things, by being just who he made you. You don't have to try to do great things for God, be content with the little things, because those little things could possibly change someone's life. 
I'm gonna sum this up by listing what I've learned:
2. I AM good enough for God to use.
3. In my weakness God shows His strength.
4. Relationships do take alot of work(if I can get my thoughts straight on this one perhaps it'll be a post)
5. Never underestimate the impact you can make.

So God...what's next? What new adventures do you have for me this year? 

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