No, I am not crazy...ok that's debatable..but anyway, I found out last night that one of my friend's grandparents went to Antarctica!!!! Seriously! I was in an awed shock for the rest of the night! I didn't even know you could like go on a tour to Antarctica. haha. I've always joked about going there, because hardly anyone goes to Antarctica!
I was thinking about that while going to sleep, and I started thinking about all the wild and crazy dreams I have/had for my life like I was gonna be a famous worship leader, and speaker, and actress and photographer, and football player and acne surgeon etc... I'm a huge dreamer! I was letting my imagination run wild for a few minutes...then all of a sudden God decided to hit me with a reminder.
I can follow MY dreams and do everything I want to do with my life, or I can follow His heart and HIS dreams for my life. Even if it means I don't get what I WANT. A life of constant surrender and faith. What fun huh? Psalm 139:17,18 comes to mind: "How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Where I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand."
God's thoughts for each one of us outnumbers the grains of sand! Don't you think His dreams are much bigger than ours? Well that's all the thinking I have for today folks....God Bless!
*This thought brought to you today from the mind of Victoria Utermoehlen*
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