I have decided to make ONE post instead of 500000000, because I'm sure I will have lots of stories to tell.
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Notice the shirts? :) |
I call this weekned my fall break and I'm spending it...ironically, at college. Haha! EMU to be exact, visiting my "cousin" Rachel. <--we decided we were cousins so I could go to some sports after party for families only. We are smart! After a 3 hour car ride, it's nice to chill. I'm still deciding whether I should take a power nap or not.....most likely not...I don't want to miss anything.
Volleyball is such an intense sport! I like it much better then soccer, hands down. The EMU girls team played Roanoke and even though they lost, the game was worth watching! Especially because I have a friend on the team!
After the game I got to join the team families for a meal. Meatballs, pineapple, COOKIES and Apple cider! Amazing for the stomach of one who hadn't eaten all day! :)
9:50pm - Batman Begins and The Dark Knight! Two movie's I've wanted to see for a couple months now! SOO epic!!!! The Joker is so funny, in a creepy sort of way. And Two face...whoa...that was a little disturbing, but not that scary.
Saturday 11:11am- Good bright and shiny morning to you! I love sleeping in and I'm glad Rachel does too..especially on Saturdays! *sigh* so refreshing.
The morning/afternoon adventure begins as we decided to eat brunch at IHOP. I had never been to IHOP, thus the reason for the trip. We got directions and found out it was only 4.5 miles away. And to the car we went.
5 minutes went by, then 10.....we drove around, following the directions from mapquest......they didn't work.
30 minutes later we pulled into the IHOP.
We made it back to EMU just in time to run to the science building to watch Despicable Me. HILARIOUS and good movie!!!!!
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This was a sight for sore eyes! |
I had the brilliant idea because I didn't want to mix nacho cheese sauce with spaghetti, and the chips were in little bags. Ever heard of the Walking Taco? Well I got the idea from that. One massive spoonful of cheese sauce and a bag of chips later and you have the Walking Nacho. We played Sorry and ate Ice Cream and played music. Oh yea and who could forget the incredible and slightly embarrassing barefoot walk around the neighborhood. Janson with a hammer and Kenyon who had to pee so bad he wanted to do it "dog" style. Every tree and every fire hydrant. hahahaa. What fun!
I ended the night by having 'quality girl time' with Kindle and Addison.
Sunday 7:30am -beep beep beep....I hate waking up on Sunday! But I dragged myself out of bed. There's something slightly humorous about big families getting ready for church! Oh my goodness the yelling and fighting that goes on is like no other day of the week. :) Being that I was planning heading home from their church, Kindle and I stayed home an extra hour. It worked out perfect, because she had to finish something for church and I proofed a paper Addison wrote and hour before that had to be turned in today. It was a first person story telling of the creation of the star spangled banner. I ended up practically re-writing it! :)
Blue Ridge Bible Church in Purcellville, VA was my destination. I found it from memory of going the last time I was here! Score!!! I was so proud of myself!
We sang Christmas Carols in church! They're doing a "Christmas in October" series...so we aren't so focused on all the other Christmas goo rue in December that we miss the real meaning of Christmas(kinda a neat idea). Caleb played the drums. He's pretty good if I do say so myself! ;) The message was on Luke 2:8-20(if you'd like to listen: http://brbible.org/resources/sermons/the-gospel-proclaimed).
12:45pm- LUNCH TIME! :) Pizza, sun chips, candy bars, and coke in glass bottles! The meal was for the 30+ people that stayed for the guitar workshop. The guitar workshop was interesting. I didn't really understand too much from the electric guitar part, but the acoustic section was helpful. I finally learned what the notes are on each fret of the guitar(I sorta skipped that part in teaching myself), and I think I'm understanding barr chords better. I also learned about the 4/4 and 3/4 rhythm strum patterns.
Today has turned out to be a long day, but cool non the less. It's been such a God day. I got to talk to so many kids that were just asking me random questions about life and middle school drama, and relationships. So great! I also got to talk to this girl who was around my age while we made friendship braclets(I am working on my first one still, but I finally got the concept of how to do it!) about our gifts and hobbies. She asked me how I figured out what my gifts were and such. It was such a miraculousness opportunity for me to share parts of my testimony as well as give advice and encouragement to someone who's in such a similar place in life as I am. I was thinking of how amazing it is how God works. If I hadn't met the girls at camp, I wouldn't have been able to come down and visit...and I wouldn't have been there today, which means perhaps the people I talked to wouldn't be as encouraged! God thank you for using me! :D
As I was leaving around 8pm my cars 'check engine' light came on! Not good! :( I figured the reason was probably that I needed to put oil in it, because I have a small tendency to forget that part...and I knew my oil was low already. Anywhos so I decided to go back to the Gossages church and find Mr. Gossage, who used to be a mechanic. It so happened that he was in his office talking to a guy who loves to work on VW's! Such a God-thing! So they came out and checked my car over. No weird noises or anything...just low on oil. *grins sheepishly* The closest wal-mart was at least 20 minutes away and I had no idea how to get there. Thankfully I always carry 1qt of oil with me. Enough to get me back to the Gossages, to stay another night(since my parents and I thought it wise I just waited till morning to drive home). Again, this was such a God thing, because it gave Kindle and I time to talk more on the way home about life and what God's been showing us and stuff. Love it! Even now, being the last one awake after talking for over an hour to Addison, I'm not taking this 'check engine' light problem as a bad thing. God's used it so much already!
Seriously, He's so awesome!
Thinking back over my day, and over this weekend. God is bringing to mind what He showed me last night in devotions. I was reading Psalm 23 and suddenly I saw it in a new way. Funny because I've read that chapter a billion times in my life. :)
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
Verses 4,5 really stuck out to me. Even though I walk to the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me. Usually, the first thing I think of when I read that is death, yanno like someone laying on their death bed...in the shadow of death.....but really this could mean you're biggest fear, or a trial that you're going through. Even though you walk through the valley....FEAR NOT for I AM with you! My rod and my staff they comfort you!
And it gets better- you prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies! WHOA this it was got me....in the presence of my enemies. God's right there with us, right in the thick of whatever we're going though, whatever we're facing. He's there. And you know what...he's preparing a table of blessings and grace and love. RIGHT THERE in the middle of our struggles, whatever 'shadow of death' you're walking in right now, God is with you. And He is willing to prepare a table and better yet...anoint your head with oil...so much that it runs over! This is HUGGEE! If we're surrendering our lives to Christ, even when things aren't what we planned, when we face trials. Don't give up on God. Run to him. And he will pour so much blessing and love over you and it's gonna overflow onto everyone around you. People are gonna wonder how you're making it, and you can look them in the face and say: "even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me!"
God Bless.
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