Can we get a show of hands of people who get their biggest revelations from God in the shower!? I think I should write a book titled: Showertime with God. haha. I'm sure it'll be a bestseller!
I was thinking about fire. I was thinking about the process of lighting campfires. And suddenly I thought of James 3:5 ...."consider what a great forest is set on fire by a tiny spark..." Now I know that's only part of the verse and the passage talks about the taming of the tongue, bare with me on this...
When we read this verse, what's the first thing we think of? I know for me, I usually think of the horrors of the tongue. The small things we can say to hurt people that might be the spark that sets the forest on fire. I've done that, and I'm sure you have too, we're all human here.
What if that spark was something good? What if you said something encouraging to someone and eventually it changed their life. That word would be the spark that set the forest on fire.
I want to change the world.
Honestly, I do. That's my goal in life. High standards, I know! But with God all things are possible.
Too often, however, I find myself complaining because it's not turning out like I want it to be. I'm not the next Billy Graham or Randy Clark, I know that, but still sometimes, I just want to be recognized for all the work I THINK I'm doing, while God's sitting up there chuckling at me driving myself insane.
We want to do big things for God, but in the climb to reach that goal, we miss oppurtunities to change one person's day.
We want to be the FIRE, but not the SPARK.
Picture with me, if you will a massive forest...maybe the redwoods in Cali. Ok got it. Now walk into that forest and strike a match. Lets zoom out really fast(I'm a video editor can you tell), and look at you from the outside of that forest. Kinda small right? Do you think you can see the lit match in your hand? I doubt it.
There's a pile of brush in front of you. Oops, you accidently drop the match and in a matter of seconds the brush becomes full of orangish, redish, yellowish light, life and energy. You have started a fire. Lets zoom out again. This brush fire you might be able to see looking in from the outside, but that depends on where you're standing. Give it an hour or two and smoke starts to billow out and the trees start to burn. You're in trouble now! You've started a forest fire!!
The trees start to light. There's fire everywhere. People can see it from miles around. There's no hiding it!
What do you do?
Walk away with a smile on your face of course. You were the one who started it. You held the spark in your hand.
Can you get that concept in your head about daily life? Think about it! Something you do or say, just by letting God flow through you, can be the spark that starts a fire in someone's heart. That fire could spread to that persons family, and friends and so forth. The impact you made on one persons life affected countless others. That goes for both the good things we do and say as well as the bad things.
It's our choice which kind of spark we want to be.
God Bless.
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