Finally, some time to blog.
Currently, I"m sitting on the couch at my Aunt house, watching Psych on Netflix and hearing screams coming from the cousins playing Wii upstairs. It's 10am and breakfast is finished.
I still haven't adjusted to Cali's so weird being 3 hours behind the majority of my friends. I always have to think about what time it is in PA if I want to text someone.
The weather...chilly! It hasn't even hit 80 degrees! The day we arrived - it was warmer in PA than it was here! WHAT?! Usually it's in the 90s by Easter!
Wednesday...our day of travel started out early. 2am early. We boarded our plane at 6:30 for the bumpiest ride of my life. I have never felt so sick! I almost was bad. When we arrived in Chicago, we were informed that our connecting flight was delayed for an hour. What better way to pass the time then to sleep on the airport floor. I've wanted to do that, and now I HAVE.
9:30am central time we got on the plane for a 4 hour flight to Sacramento, CA. A much smoother flight than the previous one. BUT this flight was completely packed! The downside to flying Southwest is that you don't have assigned seats and every open seat happened to be the middle seat by the time we were allowed to board(for future-they board business class first). I chose the middle seat between a middle aged lady with an amazing smelling salad for lunch, and a man about 30 bald and dark skinned. I never got to ask him what nationality he was, but he had somewhat of a Spanish accent. Quite the character. I didn't have much space to move around, or even write in my journal. I did however somehow find someway to sleep the majority of the flight. The only is the highlight of my that there isn't much space for sleeping and SOMEPEOPLE.....just might wake up with their head on a tall, dark man's shoulder. :) Yeah..that'd be me..and it was pretty embarrassing, awkward..and hilarious!
We arrived in California around 12pm pacific time, were picked up be grandpa and headed to his house. Finally a bed, my legs and body was so sore...and grandpa's bed was just perfect...with built in massage. :) :)
We've spent the majority of our time here hanging out with our family. LOTS of walks to the park and school and anywhere really. I do enjoy walking everywhere! I've played Tennis for the first time in real life! Pretty fun, except I hit the ball too hard and it flies out of the court completely! Haha!
Yesterday, we got to visit mom's old neighborhood and a friend of hers from high school. I quite enjoyed the trip and hanging out people I've only heard my mom talk about. The houses in North Highlands reminded me alot of houses in the Dominican....and alot of the landscape around here does as well. No banana trees, but lots and lots of palm trees. I even found a BRIGHT yellow plastered house! I was so excited! I even cooked a Dominican style meal for my family last night and need to get some more plantains so my cousins can try them. :)
The most exciting thing around here.....OH MY GOODNESS...they have ICE CREAM TRUCKS!!! I was beyond words excited about this, that I stalked outside GG's(mom's friend from H.S.) house until they came down the street the second time so i could get a picture. The one-a dark grey/black, old way would i buy ice cream from looked way to sketchy! The other one is a big white van that doesn't look as scary, BUT the guy driving looked like Osama Bin Laden! I don't know if I'll get ice cream before I leave or not.
Well, now that I have actually updated ya'll, I'm gonna go. Photoshoot time for my cousins! :) And more walking!
Till later....
God Bless!
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