2011 has arrived!
And what do I have to say to this occasion? Nothing much really.
I brought in the beginning of the year in bed with a head cold. Not such a great start huh?
The Holiday season this year didn't seem as exciting as it usually does. Maybe I'm getting older, but for whatever reason....no matter how hard I tried...I still needed more of the "Christmas spirit" so to speak. We got our tree up a week or so before Christmas, but half the family wasn't there to help decorate. Honestly, it was weird coming home to a decorated tree and not being there to put MY ornaments on the tree. We were so busy. So so busy. Christmas morning was different too, with mom and dad dragging us kids out of bed to open presents, because mom had to work in the afternoon.
Everything felt so rushed.
But enough with the things that were different. Different is good.
The thing I'll remember most about this Christmas was getting to spend time with my daddy. He's been so busy during December that I never see him. And I was even living at home! He would come in around 8 or 9pm and go straight to bed.
December 23, we borrowed a meat grinder from my granny down the cove. And I heard she used to make Pulla Bread, which is delicious if you've never had it. Dad decided we should prank her, hinting that we'd like some Pulla for our christmas get-together. I designed little signs with the word PULLA on them and hung them around her kitchen. It was so much fun! Not to mention it had been forever since I was at that house. So many memories...
Christmas Day, since mom had to go to work at 2:30, Josiah and I decided to go snowboarding. Why not? The snow was beautiful, in my opinion anyway. It did get a little icy towards the end of the day, but all is well. Josiah and I spent time working through the smaller terrian park. I'm still building the confidence to go off jumps, BUT I did it multiple times without falling. I also ventured over to the blue square slopes...meaning the advanced ones. I'm still a little scared of them, but not to worry, I still have 3 months of boarding left!
Thursday, December 30: What a day! My friend Steph Burt came up from Columbia Md to join Josiah, Joel, Alexander and myself for some skiing/snowboarding. Was Whitetail ever packed! There were lines EVERYWHERE! I couldn't believe I was joining the masses of people on the slopes, but I did. Being that the lift lines were long, and the snow was slow because of the weather...my lovely friends got me over to the black diamond slopes. What an adventure that was! Honestly however, it wasn't too bad. So long as I reminded myself not to panic at the fact I was going STRAIGHT DOWN the side of a mountain! I also went through Jib Junction:The big terrain park, and did a jump or two! Be proud of me! :)
Slowly but surely I will conquer all my fears of going to fast and dying on a slope, and I'm thankful for friends that challenge and push me, but stay right there with me the whole time. :)
We left Whitetail around 5 to head to Hannah B's house to chill, and play some Wii. I HAVE NEVER HAD SO MUCH FUN PLAYING VIDEO GAMES IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE!! We danced for a while, then decided to bring out Super Mario Brothers. Hannah, Steph Burt and myself are NOT good at video games. Josiah...he's a little better. We played that game for like 2 hours. Screaming our heads off the whole time! It was a day/night to remember!
As 2011 begins, I don't know what my thoughts are. On one hand, I'm pretty excited for what God is gonna do, but on the other hand, I'm a little apprehensive of the changes that might take place. 'God help me not to worry' is one of the things I have to pray everyday. I know I'll be ok, and I know God's got my back. Sometimes, I just wish I had control and could work everything out right now, instead of having to wait on God's timing. But that's not how we grow. So as I finish for tonight I pray "God, help me to wait. Help me not to worry, and help me to trust you, even if it's not how I want it to go."
God Bless you in 2011!
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