Wednesday, November 3, 2010

For those moments when we need refreshed

We all have days where we just need refreshed, amen?  Where our minds are so clogged full of the stresses of life and things of this world that we almost feel like screaming!?

Tell me I'm not the only one! :)

For me, there comes a point of desperation. Where I CANNOT go another minute until I spend some time just soaking in worship. Usually I lock myself in my room block out everything and play every single worship song I can on the guitar until my fingers bleed. Painful I know, but refreshing. Psalm 144:1 has really begun to speak to me on what I can do when I praise: "Praise be to the Lord, my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle." My hands and my fingers are trained for battle? To think that when I'm playing guitarra with mis manos y dedos(I'm practicing for the Dominican), I'm fighting a war. A battle not against flesh and blood, but a spiritual battle. I think it makes the devil mad when we praise God, duh, that's kind of obvious...why else does he cloud our mind with so many distractions to keep us from praising God? :) And you wanna know something, when I'm 'in the zone' I get such an inexpressible feeling of accomplishment knowing that with every note I play for God, with every chord change, with every word that comes out of my mouth in praise and worship to God, that I'm showing that little bug of a devil who really is in control of my life!

Sunday was one such day. I just got so irritated with life and all the frustrations of the week that I played..and played...and played. But somehow it wasn't enough. I had been debating all day whether or not to go to Keepers of the Flame that night. I didn't have enough gas, I didn't want to leave the kids at home, but they didn't want to come. But finally I realized how pathetic it was. God will fill up my gas tank AND take care of Daniel and Rochelle. So off I went. 
   I got to M-burg, and realized what day it was. Halloween. And trick or treat night. AAHH. I had to drive 25 through town because of all the people! :(  Although I was in a hurry, and not too happy of being slowed down, I got to look at all the people walking around in costume. I about got sick. So many monsters, and ghosts, and demons, and zombies. Why? Growing up we never celebrated Halloween,  because it's a satanic holiday, celebrating the occult(that's how it started anyway). And looking back, I'm glad(and I mean no offence to anyone. It's a personal conviction of mine).
Suddenly, I got so mad! And downright disgusted at how commercial we've made holidays in America. It was almost like torture to drive through town. But at the same time I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt and with 10 times the amount of resolve than when I left my house, that going to church was the BEST thing I could do on halloween! What better way to spend a night like that then by worshiping God for hours, undistracted!!
And how refreshing as well. There's something about worshiping to the point where you don't think you have anymore left in you. To just lay it all before God and say "even though this is how I feel, and how I see things. You ARE God and You ARE in control!" :) And just spend time soaking in His glorious presence. *sigh* 

I can tell the difference in my personality this week too. My focus is reset. :) 
Sometimes we just need to get away and spend quality time with our Savior. I challenge you to do that this week. MAKE TIME to worship God. 
Think of it as a rehearsal for how we're gonna spend eternity. 

God Bless


  1. actually...correction :) Halloween started out actually as "all hallows eve" or "hallowed evening" because it is actually the night before all saints day. it did not start out as worshiping the occult :) just a little factoid for you! :)

  2. Thanks Amie, I did realize that I made the mistake after i posted this, but it has also peaked my curiosity to study into the topic more. :)
