For alot of us, today the love handles are complaining about all the delicious food we enjoyed yesterday. And for some of us, the thanksgiving meals aren't done yet! Note: It's good to have a small family! :)
I'm going to be honest and say that I didn't feel so thankful on Thanksgiving this year. I did get to sleep in and when I walked out to the kitchen I saw it! A HUGE PAN OF BAKED OATMEAL! I's been a couple months since that lovely stuff has graced my plate! Oh was it good! :)
I really didn't do all that much while waiting the 6+ hours to eat. I played my guitar for a while, which I've realized I've been doing every spare moment I have. It was nice to have the whole family home and I can say that this week we actually sat down for 3 family meals! Wow that's a record! Rarely are we all home to eat together!
This year we went all the way over to Cove Valley Camp to eat our Thanksgiving meal with the Eshleman Family. It's been a while since all 14 of us had a meal together! Believe me, it was one loud meal! hahaha! Dad and Allen both mentioned how nice it was for Steph and myself to be there, because apparently it's quiet without us! Now really??? Imagine that?! :P
After supper we played apples to apples and hung out. The boys left for a friend's house where they had a sleep over and were getting up really early to go black friday shopping? Since when does Britt wanna go black friday shopping??? haha! I missed playing apples to apples with them!!!! Especially Josiah! I know, I know, it's a sad thing to play favorites, but to be honest, I miss Josiah the most whenever I'm not at home!!
We finished the night by watching a really old Jimmy Stewart movie called Harvey.
I just wanted to go to bed so bad. I didn't feel like this was what thanksgiving should be like. And going to bed, I had the hardest time as I thought through everything. WHY! What was wrong?! I don't really know when exactly it came to me....sometime while I was asleep...but the answer came.
We're going through transitions in our families. This might very well be the last time all of our families are together for thanksgiving. That thought makes me want to cry. I will always try to be home for Thanksgiving with the Eshleman family!
As we grow up and move on with life, we need to be thankful for the moments we have together, because you never know where you'll be next year. And once dating comes into the picture it's really not the same at all! Then you get married and have your own family and in-laws and all sorts of thankgiving stuff. Oh joy.
For me, being someone that likes to have things different and enjoys the adventure in life. I have found out how hard it is for me to let go of things and embrace NEW adventures in life as I grow into who God wants me to be, even if it means feeling slightly left out at family get-togethers, because I'm still single(and I'm thankful for that!), or not having anyone to hang out with over the holidays, because they all have a ton of things to do and I don't. It's ok to be alone, because I am NEVER alone. God is always there and as I find things to do by myself, I'm realizing that I get to share that time with God instead of people.
And on the other side of things, I'm just in a manic anxious state waiting for Whitetail to open so I can go snowboarding. Then I won't care about hanging out with anyone, unless we're on the slopes together! haha! :D
God Bless!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Here I raise my Ebenezer...
Don't judge! I can be really slow sometimes!
I've always loved the hymn "Come Thou Fount"...or as I would call it "the Ebenezer song". I never really understood why in the world the Ebenezer was there, because the first thing I think of is Ebenezer Scrooge! Haha! So this morning I was googling the passage I'm using in this post(because I could not remember what chapter it was), and the first website on the list talked about Come Thou Fount and Ebenezer and it all made sense. I didn't even have to read it. It just clicked! :)
Sunday night, I had the privilege of attending Grace Baptist Church's Thanksgiving Service...and meal. ;) Basically they preached a little, then left it open for people to publicly say what they were thankful for. I told my mom when I got home that I thought about standing up, but they only had an hour and I didn't want to take up half of it! And you know I would! :)
The passage used was 1Samuel 7:2-12
Then all the people of Israel turned back to the LORD. 3 So Samuel said to all the Israelites, “If you are returning to the LORD with all your hearts, then rid yourselves of the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths and commit yourselves to the LORD and serve him only, and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.” 4 So the Israelites put away their Baals and Ashtoreths, and served the LORD only.
5 Then Samuel said, “Assemble all Israel at Mizpah, and I will intercede with the LORD for you.” 6 When they had assembled at Mizpah, they drew water and poured it out before the LORD. On that day they fasted and there they confessed, “We have sinned against the LORD.” Now Samuel was serving as leader of Israel at Mizpah.
7 When the Philistines heard that Israel had assembled at Mizpah, the rulers of the Philistines came up to attack them. When the Israelites heard of it, they were afraid because of the Philistines. 8 They said to Samuel, “Do not stop crying out to the LORD our God for us, that he may rescue us from the hand of the Philistines.” 9 Then Samuel took a suckling lamb and sacrificed it as a whole burnt offering to the LORD. He cried out to the LORD on Israel’s behalf, and the LORD answered him.
10 While Samuel was sacrificing the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to engage Israel in battle. But that day the LORD thundered with loud thunder against the Philistines and threw them into such a panic that they were routed before the Israelites. 11The men of Israel rushed out of Mizpah and pursued the Philistines, slaughtering them along the way to a point below Beth Kar.
12 Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the LORD has helped us.”
Samuel set up a monument, naming it Ebenezer. Thus far has the Lord helped us. We were challenged to set our monument saying "Thus far has the Lord helped me", realizing that this past year, and even this far in our lives is only possible with God's help. We were also challenged to think back over the last 12 months and meditate on just how God has helped us, and thank Him.
I was debating whether or not to share some of the things I'm thankful for. Two years ago I wrote out 100 things, and last year I did 200! This year I was going to do 300, but I decided not to. Rather, I challenge you, my reader to think back over the last 12 months and see just how much God has helped you. Raise your Ebenezer and say with thanksgiving "Thus far has the Lord helped me".
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
God Bless
I've always loved the hymn "Come Thou Fount"...or as I would call it "the Ebenezer song". I never really understood why in the world the Ebenezer was there, because the first thing I think of is Ebenezer Scrooge! Haha! So this morning I was googling the passage I'm using in this post(because I could not remember what chapter it was), and the first website on the list talked about Come Thou Fount and Ebenezer and it all made sense. I didn't even have to read it. It just clicked! :)
Sunday night, I had the privilege of attending Grace Baptist Church's Thanksgiving Service...and meal. ;) Basically they preached a little, then left it open for people to publicly say what they were thankful for. I told my mom when I got home that I thought about standing up, but they only had an hour and I didn't want to take up half of it! And you know I would! :)
The passage used was 1Samuel 7:2-12
Then all the people of Israel turned back to the LORD. 3 So Samuel said to all the Israelites, “If you are returning to the LORD with all your hearts, then rid yourselves of the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths and commit yourselves to the LORD and serve him only, and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.” 4 So the Israelites put away their Baals and Ashtoreths, and served the LORD only.
5 Then Samuel said, “Assemble all Israel at Mizpah, and I will intercede with the LORD for you.” 6 When they had assembled at Mizpah, they drew water and poured it out before the LORD. On that day they fasted and there they confessed, “We have sinned against the LORD.” Now Samuel was serving as leader of Israel at Mizpah.
7 When the Philistines heard that Israel had assembled at Mizpah, the rulers of the Philistines came up to attack them. When the Israelites heard of it, they were afraid because of the Philistines. 8 They said to Samuel, “Do not stop crying out to the LORD our God for us, that he may rescue us from the hand of the Philistines.” 9 Then Samuel took a suckling lamb and sacrificed it as a whole burnt offering to the LORD. He cried out to the LORD on Israel’s behalf, and the LORD answered him.
10 While Samuel was sacrificing the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to engage Israel in battle. But that day the LORD thundered with loud thunder against the Philistines and threw them into such a panic that they were routed before the Israelites. 11The men of Israel rushed out of Mizpah and pursued the Philistines, slaughtering them along the way to a point below Beth Kar.
12 Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the LORD has helped us.”
Samuel set up a monument, naming it Ebenezer. Thus far has the Lord helped us. We were challenged to set our monument saying "Thus far has the Lord helped me", realizing that this past year, and even this far in our lives is only possible with God's help. We were also challenged to think back over the last 12 months and meditate on just how God has helped us, and thank Him.
I was debating whether or not to share some of the things I'm thankful for. Two years ago I wrote out 100 things, and last year I did 200! This year I was going to do 300, but I decided not to. Rather, I challenge you, my reader to think back over the last 12 months and see just how much God has helped you. Raise your Ebenezer and say with thanksgiving "Thus far has the Lord helped me".
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
God Bless
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Laughing is good. And adventures at Pap and Grandmas are even better!
Sometimes we just need to be crazy. For me, this usually has to happen AT LEAST once a week or else I start to get depressed almost. haha! :)
I love doing random fun thing and when a trip to Pap and Grandma's comes never know WHAT you'll get into!
Pap and Grandma. My grandparents of no blood relation, (but just as close to my heart as family) live in the beautiful Fulton County Pennsylvania. In the sticks! They have pretty much any farm type animal imaginable, except a cow and horse.
Saturday morning, I found some work clothes...and headed over to help 'Uncle Robin', 'Aunt Linda' and the Brant family cut and stack wood for Pap and Grandma. There is NEVER a dull moment with this family and I'm so grateful for all they have done for me!
Lunch. Glorious lunch! Grandma always has a ton of food for us to enjoy and I finally got to eat her slippery ham pot pie!!!! DELICIOUS! But I will not rave about the food.
After lunch we had 2 loads of wood to finish, then clean up the saw dust and we could 'play'.
I found a sled and thought it was a perfect time to try it out on the hill....
Didn't work too well. I guess we'll have to wait for actually snow! We went to the barnyard where we petted and fed Jenny the donkey. The nicest donkey I know...until you try to ride on her. :)
Pap has lots of sheep and goats as well. Natalie decided that she would like to pet/hug a sheep. The next half hour was quite humorous as we ran around chasing the sheep, trying to catch one to hug.
At last we succeeded! The sheep apparently give up if you grab their tails then their neck. It worked for Chevy anyway...he even picked one up.
With one crazed adventure over, we headed back to the house to eat pie. BUT WAIT...the goats! We wanted to feed the goats too. Pap told us we would have to climb over the gate, because the goats would run out otherwise. Being the impressively graceful and balanced person that I am, I leaped onto the gate, attempting to get a foothold in the chickenwire......didn't work too well.....
Yep. Victoria flipped over and got stuck like this. Below my head/hands was a pile of goat which I didn't want to fall into! In the midst of laughing really really really hard at the situation, and unaided by my friends who were also laughing really really really hard, I managed to roll back up and swing my legs over the gate to straddle in...then jumped into the pen.
The goats are so cute! Toy was even there...although much much bigger than when I held him at 2 days old in June. The goats were much easter to feed and hold than the sheep.
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I'm not sure if this is Toy or his sibling |
Saturday was an epic day. I can't help but sitting back and saying "Thank you God for making life fun and full of new adventures everyday!"
May your week be filled with adventure!
God Bless
Photo credit goes to Hannah Brant of Rejoice Photography
Thursday, November 11, 2010
It's 11:11-pray for revival!
What a day!
It started out much earlier than I like. 5am I rolled out of bed and into the shower. To be honest, when I went to sleep last night I didn't want to wake up this morning and drive an hour to visit my friend Laura at GSSM in Mechanicsbug, but I had the day off and I knew I would enjoy it.
That sick to my stomach with fear feeling was the devil trying to discourage me, because God had so much in store for me today!
I got there only 5 minutes late. Not even late enough to miss worship!! This week the students at GSSM were learning how to use the Arts in ministry, a topic of great interest to me as well, which was one of the main reasons I wanted to go up this week. :)
Totally amazing!! It was one of those "you had to be there" things. But I'll try to explain anyway.
First off, I love worship. Hands down. Worship is a passion! And I love worship time. I wish it could go longer some days. :)
My favorite part of the 'school day' was breaking up and going to different 'stations' where they focused on a specific "art". Dance, song, and digital art were among the ones Laura and I took part of. We got to create a dance, sing songs and learn some cool ways to use media to minister to others. I think I found the digital media one most interesting, and wish I could have spent more time on it. Being a 'tech savvy' person and living in a 'tech savvy' generation, media and technology can be a great way to minister and share God's love with others. They even touched on photography and photoshop which I was soo excited about! Two other passions of mine! :)
We had a break then we got to share what we learned in the workshops. Laura and I even got to dance on stage and teach the rest of the students our dance! That was so amazing for me, because I've been to GSSM many times already, and to be able to be looked upon as equal with the students and interact and share my passions with them, on stage and over the internet....dude it was cool!
Today was a total "God moment" type day. And it lined up so much with alot of things I've been thinking about recently. Looking back, I think the biggest thing God showed me today is that he's given me gifts and tons of creativity to use for His glory, now it's my turn to be creative and use them to change the world! :)
When school was over, we ate at the lovely McDonalds. First time I've had fast food in weeks! Trina and Andrew came with Laura and I and enjoyed some chill time....if you can chill at McDonalds that is?? We decided to go into Harrisburg and walk around City Island, because I had never been there. about fun!!! It was such a beautiful day! I jumped up on so many benches and sang at the top of my lungs "it's a beaaaaaaaaaauuuutttiiiifffulllll ddddaayyy!" The trash cans were painted with designs too:
The sun was shining and I didn't need a jacket and the wind was blowing and I just loved every minute of it! Seriously! I felt so alive and so full of energy and joy! :)
We even got to pray for some guys who started talking to us. The one..his girlfriend had breast cancer and was really depressed and stuff so we prayed for her too! For me, this was a huggeee stretch out of my comfort zone, but I think I might like it...?? I defiently felt awkward, but this is good.
When Laura and I got back to the apartment, we decided....lets highlight her hair. Blonde. OHHH this was fun! Poor Laura ended the process with a huge bleach blonde streak in the middle of her bangs. We left the color in too long! haha! So in the midst of laughing our heads off, we decided- run to CVS and find a new color! Currently we are waiting for it to set. I have confidence that it will be a good color however.
Today has been a great day. I'm kinda sad for it to end, but at the same time....I'm looking forward to the future of seeing how I can use my gifts creatively to serve God. We shall see where my adventures take me next...
God Bless.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Revalations from computers and the stress of family pictures...
Broccoli chedder bread bowl at Panera Bread and some free wifi is the perfect way to spend a day off. With pandora's holiday...CHRISTMAS station in my headphones. *sigh* Life is good.
It's been a stressful week, but God is faithful! I guess the biggest thing that I'm sorta...kinda really excited about at the moment is that the computer problem at work is FIXED! OH thank you Jesus! Last week, I got to the point of completely giving up, but God came through. I guess I should give you some background...
So I'm a video editor intern. Working on a couple projects. Well for some odd reason we couldn't get the final video burned onto DVD. We wondered why Avid(the video editing program we are using--oh how i wish we were using final cut) didn't come with a program to do this. We hit stone wall after stone wall with Roxio(the other program we bought to hopefully stick movie onto DVD). It told us our video card wasn't updated enough, stupid because the computer is under a year old. *Random note: even if it is cheaper...NEVER EVER EVER Do video editing on a PC. It's a total fail.*
We spent weeks going through all the red tape to order new parts and update/upgrade everything! And Roxio still didn't work! I should mention that this has been going since June. 2 weeks ago we decided to buy the new version of Roxio(which I still want to learn because apparently you can make 3D movies and I wanna try this!). We installed it and no avail! Talk about the pits! I started looking around for other jobs. :) My boss....thank the also a christian, which is totally awesome because we can talk about God while we want to burn the computer! We decided to pray every time we got together that God would give us wisdom and fix the computer! Well right after we did that, I'm getting ready to leave the office and I look on my desk and there's a cd sitting there, still in the wrapper. Avid DVD??? I looked over at Tom and was this what we're looking for?!! It was! Oh God! Haha! I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry! I came into work the next day with high expectations of finally being able to finish my project, but......when I installed it....I got an invalid registration error. So frustrating! Turns out Roxio and Avid DVD conflict with eachother when installed on the same computer.
But not without revelation. :) I started thinking about how true the situation was if you put it into real life. Think about it, how often in life do we look for the solution to a problem and get all frustrated and wonder why we can't find it, so we "go out and buy something else". We find something else to "fix it"....but in all reality it just makes it worse. So many times it isn't until we reach rock bottom that we think it would be a good time to cry out to God for help. And we find that the solution to it all has been there in front of us the whole time! :) But we still have to deal with the consequences from the "other solutions" we tried. Which can lead to more frustration, but in the end...God works everything out.
This morning my phone was ringing off the hook while I was doing my hair and make up. Tom got Avid DVD installed and working. Apparently the O in the serial number was an O not a 0. That's the only reason he could think of. I practically flew to the office just to make sure it was real! SCORE! :) :) :) When I walked in, and saw it working I said "You know what Tom, God fixed the computer!" To which we both decided was the only explanation we had! Thank you God!
So I guess what God's really been teaching me through this experience and recently in general is that I like to "do it myself".....true story...haha.....but I need to remember to do it with him! :)
This past weekend was a stressful, but fun one. I went ice skating on Saturday! Oh my...I'll state again that I love ice skating so much! And now that I'm getting better at it, it's much more entertaining! I can go backwards and skate on one leg!!!!! Of course the people you go with are the best part! Never a dull moment when I'm with the Brant sisters! :)
The stress came as I decided we were getting our family picture taken by Rejoice Photography(You can find her on Facebook). With 7 people in the family, it's a pain to get everyone, especially Daniel, to agree to get their picture taken. Then there's the matching clothes part. AAAHHH! This time, however, I found colors that matched the season, that went together, and everyone had something around the same color! Thank you Jesus! We didn't even know when we were doing it, Sunday afternoon or Monday. Finally we decided on Sunday afternoon. So all the clothes needed to be washed and matched and I had to make sure that everyone wore what they were supposed to. Ok, I'm very OCD and a perfectionist when it comes to photos! But in my defense, we haven't had a family picture in 10 years. They need to look good, because who knows how many of us will be married by the time we get another one! haha!
It turned out quite well. We had a great "make them smile" person and a very patient photographer. The weather even turned out pretty much perfect with hardly any directional lighting and just a little on the chilly side, but not too bad! And the pictures....priceless. I have one crazy family! :)
It's been a stressful week, but God is faithful! I guess the biggest thing that I'm sorta...kinda really excited about at the moment is that the computer problem at work is FIXED! OH thank you Jesus! Last week, I got to the point of completely giving up, but God came through. I guess I should give you some background...
So I'm a video editor intern. Working on a couple projects. Well for some odd reason we couldn't get the final video burned onto DVD. We wondered why Avid(the video editing program we are using--oh how i wish we were using final cut) didn't come with a program to do this. We hit stone wall after stone wall with Roxio(the other program we bought to hopefully stick movie onto DVD). It told us our video card wasn't updated enough, stupid because the computer is under a year old. *Random note: even if it is cheaper...NEVER EVER EVER Do video editing on a PC. It's a total fail.*
We spent weeks going through all the red tape to order new parts and update/upgrade everything! And Roxio still didn't work! I should mention that this has been going since June. 2 weeks ago we decided to buy the new version of Roxio(which I still want to learn because apparently you can make 3D movies and I wanna try this!). We installed it and no avail! Talk about the pits! I started looking around for other jobs. :) My boss....thank the also a christian, which is totally awesome because we can talk about God while we want to burn the computer! We decided to pray every time we got together that God would give us wisdom and fix the computer! Well right after we did that, I'm getting ready to leave the office and I look on my desk and there's a cd sitting there, still in the wrapper. Avid DVD??? I looked over at Tom and was this what we're looking for?!! It was! Oh God! Haha! I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry! I came into work the next day with high expectations of finally being able to finish my project, but......when I installed it....I got an invalid registration error. So frustrating! Turns out Roxio and Avid DVD conflict with eachother when installed on the same computer.
But not without revelation. :) I started thinking about how true the situation was if you put it into real life. Think about it, how often in life do we look for the solution to a problem and get all frustrated and wonder why we can't find it, so we "go out and buy something else". We find something else to "fix it"....but in all reality it just makes it worse. So many times it isn't until we reach rock bottom that we think it would be a good time to cry out to God for help. And we find that the solution to it all has been there in front of us the whole time! :) But we still have to deal with the consequences from the "other solutions" we tried. Which can lead to more frustration, but in the end...God works everything out.
This morning my phone was ringing off the hook while I was doing my hair and make up. Tom got Avid DVD installed and working. Apparently the O in the serial number was an O not a 0. That's the only reason he could think of. I practically flew to the office just to make sure it was real! SCORE! :) :) :) When I walked in, and saw it working I said "You know what Tom, God fixed the computer!" To which we both decided was the only explanation we had! Thank you God!
So I guess what God's really been teaching me through this experience and recently in general is that I like to "do it myself".....true story...haha.....but I need to remember to do it with him! :)
This past weekend was a stressful, but fun one. I went ice skating on Saturday! Oh my...I'll state again that I love ice skating so much! And now that I'm getting better at it, it's much more entertaining! I can go backwards and skate on one leg!!!!! Of course the people you go with are the best part! Never a dull moment when I'm with the Brant sisters! :)
The stress came as I decided we were getting our family picture taken by Rejoice Photography(You can find her on Facebook). With 7 people in the family, it's a pain to get everyone, especially Daniel, to agree to get their picture taken. Then there's the matching clothes part. AAAHHH! This time, however, I found colors that matched the season, that went together, and everyone had something around the same color! Thank you Jesus! We didn't even know when we were doing it, Sunday afternoon or Monday. Finally we decided on Sunday afternoon. So all the clothes needed to be washed and matched and I had to make sure that everyone wore what they were supposed to. Ok, I'm very OCD and a perfectionist when it comes to photos! But in my defense, we haven't had a family picture in 10 years. They need to look good, because who knows how many of us will be married by the time we get another one! haha!
It turned out quite well. We had a great "make them smile" person and a very patient photographer. The weather even turned out pretty much perfect with hardly any directional lighting and just a little on the chilly side, but not too bad! And the pictures....priceless. I have one crazy family! :)
Phew, what a week! But I can't help but thank God for continually being faithful and always working things out to His glory! :)
May you have a blessed week and may the glory of the Lord shine upon you! :D
God Bless.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
For those moments when we need refreshed
We all have days where we just need refreshed, amen? Where our minds are so clogged full of the stresses of life and things of this world that we almost feel like screaming!?
Tell me I'm not the only one! :)
For me, there comes a point of desperation. Where I CANNOT go another minute until I spend some time just soaking in worship. Usually I lock myself in my room block out everything and play every single worship song I can on the guitar until my fingers bleed. Painful I know, but refreshing. Psalm 144:1 has really begun to speak to me on what I can do when I praise: "Praise be to the Lord, my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle." My hands and my fingers are trained for battle? To think that when I'm playing guitarra with mis manos y dedos(I'm practicing for the Dominican), I'm fighting a war. A battle not against flesh and blood, but a spiritual battle. I think it makes the devil mad when we praise God, duh, that's kind of obvious...why else does he cloud our mind with so many distractions to keep us from praising God? :) And you wanna know something, when I'm 'in the zone' I get such an inexpressible feeling of accomplishment knowing that with every note I play for God, with every chord change, with every word that comes out of my mouth in praise and worship to God, that I'm showing that little bug of a devil who really is in control of my life!
Sunday was one such day. I just got so irritated with life and all the frustrations of the week that I played..and played...and played. But somehow it wasn't enough. I had been debating all day whether or not to go to Keepers of the Flame that night. I didn't have enough gas, I didn't want to leave the kids at home, but they didn't want to come. But finally I realized how pathetic it was. God will fill up my gas tank AND take care of Daniel and Rochelle. So off I went.
I got to M-burg, and realized what day it was. Halloween. And trick or treat night. AAHH. I had to drive 25 through town because of all the people! :( Although I was in a hurry, and not too happy of being slowed down, I got to look at all the people walking around in costume. I about got sick. So many monsters, and ghosts, and demons, and zombies. Why? Growing up we never celebrated Halloween, because it's a satanic holiday, celebrating the occult(that's how it started anyway). And looking back, I'm glad(and I mean no offence to anyone. It's a personal conviction of mine).
Suddenly, I got so mad! And downright disgusted at how commercial we've made holidays in America. It was almost like torture to drive through town. But at the same time I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt and with 10 times the amount of resolve than when I left my house, that going to church was the BEST thing I could do on halloween! What better way to spend a night like that then by worshiping God for hours, undistracted!!
And how refreshing as well. There's something about worshiping to the point where you don't think you have anymore left in you. To just lay it all before God and say "even though this is how I feel, and how I see things. You ARE God and You ARE in control!" :) And just spend time soaking in His glorious presence. *sigh*
I can tell the difference in my personality this week too. My focus is reset. :)
Sometimes we just need to get away and spend quality time with our Savior. I challenge you to do that this week. MAKE TIME to worship God.
Think of it as a rehearsal for how we're gonna spend eternity.
God Bless
Tell me I'm not the only one! :)
For me, there comes a point of desperation. Where I CANNOT go another minute until I spend some time just soaking in worship. Usually I lock myself in my room block out everything and play every single worship song I can on the guitar until my fingers bleed. Painful I know, but refreshing. Psalm 144:1 has really begun to speak to me on what I can do when I praise: "Praise be to the Lord, my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle." My hands and my fingers are trained for battle? To think that when I'm playing guitarra with mis manos y dedos(I'm practicing for the Dominican), I'm fighting a war. A battle not against flesh and blood, but a spiritual battle. I think it makes the devil mad when we praise God, duh, that's kind of obvious...why else does he cloud our mind with so many distractions to keep us from praising God? :) And you wanna know something, when I'm 'in the zone' I get such an inexpressible feeling of accomplishment knowing that with every note I play for God, with every chord change, with every word that comes out of my mouth in praise and worship to God, that I'm showing that little bug of a devil who really is in control of my life!
Sunday was one such day. I just got so irritated with life and all the frustrations of the week that I played..and played...and played. But somehow it wasn't enough. I had been debating all day whether or not to go to Keepers of the Flame that night. I didn't have enough gas, I didn't want to leave the kids at home, but they didn't want to come. But finally I realized how pathetic it was. God will fill up my gas tank AND take care of Daniel and Rochelle. So off I went.
I got to M-burg, and realized what day it was. Halloween. And trick or treat night. AAHH. I had to drive 25 through town because of all the people! :( Although I was in a hurry, and not too happy of being slowed down, I got to look at all the people walking around in costume. I about got sick. So many monsters, and ghosts, and demons, and zombies. Why? Growing up we never celebrated Halloween, because it's a satanic holiday, celebrating the occult(that's how it started anyway). And looking back, I'm glad(and I mean no offence to anyone. It's a personal conviction of mine).
Suddenly, I got so mad! And downright disgusted at how commercial we've made holidays in America. It was almost like torture to drive through town. But at the same time I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt and with 10 times the amount of resolve than when I left my house, that going to church was the BEST thing I could do on halloween! What better way to spend a night like that then by worshiping God for hours, undistracted!!
And how refreshing as well. There's something about worshiping to the point where you don't think you have anymore left in you. To just lay it all before God and say "even though this is how I feel, and how I see things. You ARE God and You ARE in control!" :) And just spend time soaking in His glorious presence. *sigh*
I can tell the difference in my personality this week too. My focus is reset. :)
Sometimes we just need to get away and spend quality time with our Savior. I challenge you to do that this week. MAKE TIME to worship God.
Think of it as a rehearsal for how we're gonna spend eternity.
God Bless
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